Spotkanie z dr. Piotrem Łubińskim | 1.06 Parkville

Australijski Instytut Spraw Polskich zaprasza na spotkanie z dr. Piotrem Łubińskim – prawnikiem i ekspertem prawa humanitarnego, międzynarodowego prawa kryminalnego, praw człowieka i międzynarodowego prawa publicznego. Absolwentów studiów doktoranckich na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim (2012) i Uniwersytecie w Aberystwyth w Wielkiej Brytanii (2016). Wykładowcą Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie.

Tematem prelekcji będzie zjawisko wojny hybrydowej i związane z nim zagrożenia.

Wydarzenie odbędzie się w sobotę, 1 czerwca 2024, o godzinie 15.00, na Uniwersytecie Melbourneńskim, w budynku Wydziału Edukacji (róg Leicester Street i Queensberry Street) . Wejście od 100 Leicester St. Sala znajduje się na pierwszym piętrze.

Wydarzenie jest ogólnodostępne (wolne datki). Wymagana jest rejestracja uczestników na stronie Eventbrite.

Abstract of the presentation

In the contemporary global landscape, the phenomenon of hybrid warfare and its associated threats have emerged as pivotal challenges for nations worldwide. Both Poland and Australia find themselves grappling with an unprecedented surge in influence wielded by neighbouring powers, each employing distinct tools from the hybrid warfare and hybrid threat arsenal.  This presentation delves into the intricate dynamics of hybrid warfare, focusing on the striking parallels and nuanced disparities between Poland and Australia.  This presentation will unfold in two distinct segments. Initially, the concept of hybrid warfare will be explained, elucidating shared attributes and distinguishing features through compelling case studies.  Subsequently, the pervasive issue of disinformation and misinformation will be presented. From the propagation of anti-vaccination rhetoric to the exploitation of anti-migrant sentiments and the selective portrayal of international affairs involving China and Russia, the multifaceted nature of disinformation campaigns will be exposed.  The issue of society’s resilience against hybrid threats will open the floor for a discussion with the AIPA audience.

About speaker

Piotr Łubiński is currently Lecturer at Jagiellonian University in Krakow. He holds two PhDs, the first obtained at the Jagiellonian University Faculty of Law  (2012), and the second at the University of Wales – Aberystwyth, Law and Criminology Department, (2016). 

He participated in programs run by the most renowned international institutions, such as the Hague NATO CIMIC Field Worker Course (lecturer and participant), the International Institute of Humanitarian Law Sanremo workshops on Rules of Engagement in Italy, the Hague Academy of International law Seminar in the Centre for Studies and Research in International Law and International Relations, and the International Committee of the Red Cross Warsaw Summer School on Humanitarian Law in Poland in Mądralin. 

Piotr worked in academic institutions such as the Jagiellonian University Human Rights Centre and Aberystwyth University and governmental institutions such as the Criminal Court in Krakow (International Law Section) and served as legal adviser to the Polish military forces in Afghanistan (2008). He is a member of the International Law Association – Polish Group, and served as Chairmen of the Polish Red Cross Małopolska Commission for International Humanitarian Law. He is also a member of the Polish Red Cross Humanitarian Law Dissemination Centre in Warsaw. He lectures in humanitarian law and human rights courses in Polish and English (Polish Red Cross IHL school in Radziejowice; NATO CIMIC course in Kielce), and serve as an expert in a leading Polish think tank on international affairs and security studies: SDirect24.  Piotr authored over 30 articles and co-authored several handbooks and monographs. Previously a senior lecturer (Institute for Security Studies, Pedagogical University, Krakow, Poland), he is also a guest lecturer at the Academy of National Defence in Warsaw and Military Centre of Civic Education in Warsaw. He gives lectures in the Polish Red Cross courses, the Military Training Centre for Foreign Operations in Kielce, and Special Operation Forces HQ in Krakow. His most recent publication refers to the issue of “Social media incitement to genocide: ECHR countries’ perspective”, Marco Odello, Piotr Łubiński (eds.), The Concept of Genocide in International Criminal Law: Developments After Lemkin, (Routledge 2020). His research focuses on humanitarian law, human rights, rules of engagement and asymmetric conflicts. Particularly, he is researching laws governing hybrid warfare and disinformation.

Źródło: Alexandra Dunwill
Zdjęcie tytułowe: logo AIPA